Impact of Social Networking Sites on the students

Impact of Social Networking Sites on the students


  • Sagar Amipara


Impact, Social Networking Sites, CyberBullying, Social Media and Anxiety


The present article aims to states the impact of Social Networking Sites on the students' community concerning their behaviour, anxiety, destructive activities, criminal mindset, cyberbullying etc. The students are found to be failing to realize the appropriate and judicious use these social networking sites. As a result, they are found using these social sites during the times and place they are not supposed to be using viz. areas such as classrooms where classes are going on and also during study and reading hours of their working hours.This paper also focuses on the usage of social media by the students in their day to day lives.. The researcher presents an integrated approach to social media and its usage by the students as a group.


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How to Cite

Sagar Amipara. (2018). Impact of Social Networking Sites on the students. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 3(6). Retrieved from