Privacy Policy issues in Social Media: A Critical Study

Privacy Policy issues in Social Media: A Critical Study


  • Sagar Amipara


Social Media, Privacy Policy, Security issues


Whiles some utilization the web primarily for trade, other use for informative purposes whiles to other people, it is about diversion. The web can along these lines be compared to a limitless ticket to ride, which fills various needs as and how an individual needs to characterize it. The client assortment of the web, in any case, late examinations have affirmed that a part of web utilization that appears to have made up for lost time with over 70% of all web clients is the wonder of online life organizing. The exploration paper was directed with the point of finding the protection dangers related to the consumption of long-range interpersonal communication destinations and for the act of internet-based life organizing. To understand this point, five noteworthy goals were set, in light of which research questions were created. The exploration questions turned into a guide for the analyst to gather essential and auxiliary information, with specific accentuation on essential information accumulation, where a poll was set up for 50 respondents chose from a college grounds. Each of the 50 respondents was client of long-range informal communication locales and had solid scholastic foundation in news-casting and correspondence, setting them in a place to giving very much educated responses to the inquiries on the respondent.2 The essential information gathering underlined to a great extent on the disposition of the respondents towards protection issues whiles utilizing person to person communication locales. The essential information-gathering activity was additionally dedicated to knowing the profundity of learning on security issues with online life systems. Through optional information gathering likewise, the analyst had the chance of realizing what the hosts of person to person communication locales are doing to secure the protection of clients.


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How to Cite

Sagar Amipara. (2017). Privacy Policy issues in Social Media: A Critical Study. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 2(4). Retrieved from