The Impact of Pressure Groups on Marketing Decisions

The Impact of Pressure Groups on Marketing Decisions


  • Ruchir Pandya


A. Preface
No business can survive in isolation. There is reciprocity between a marketing firm and the
marketing environment. In fact, society and external environment are like a womb, which plays
critical role in the birth and growth of a business firm. The society and environment provide a motif,
mission and cause of origin and existence to a marketing firm. A marketing firm also looks to
environment for resources. At the same time, a firm has to respect the marketing environment.
Marketing environment compels a marketer to comply and adjust with the environmental variables.
Here comes the role of Marketing Environment.


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How to Cite

Ruchir Pandya. (2015). The Impact of Pressure Groups on Marketing Decisions. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(2). Retrieved from