A study of changing Communication patterns in the era of Social Media

A study of changing Communication patterns in the era of Social Media


  • Dr. Kanti Thesia


Social media, communication patterns, levels of communication, 21st century


Given the pace we are experiencing new media as a vote based methods for correspondence, the
possibility of NICTs being most important piece of our lives is not generally far away. In this
viewpoint, paper endeavours to examine the changing correspondence examples of 21st century
technically knowledgeable age. It has been contended that new media has brought ocean changes in
intrapersonal, relational, gathering and mass correspondence procedures and substance. Sometime in
the distant past customary media was setting motivation of open talk is anticipating new media for
breaking news. Without a legitimate substance administrative position new media is lessening the
door keeping capacity in media along these lines making it progressively participatory yet less
credible as far as substance. In the virtual world, youth is carrying on with a virtual life as opposed to
high-minded life. The paper investigates how new media is rethinking social jobs that are increasingly
defenceless against disintegration as relational correspondence is occurring on open stages. In the
horde of hundreds and thousands of companions of social media, young people wind up estranged in
reality. Creator infers that in the time of over correspondence, another sort of social request is being
built up that is fortifying open and mass correspondence yet debilitating relational correspondence.


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How to Cite

Dr. Kanti Thesia. (2016). A study of changing Communication patterns in the era of Social Media. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(5). Retrieved from https://vidhyayanaejournal.org/journal/article/view/174