Role of marketing of movies and its impact on their performance on box-office.: A critical study

Role of marketing of movies and its impact on their performance on box-office.: A critical study


  • Dr. Kanti Thesia


Movie, Box-Office, Opening Weekend, Marketing, Performance


The Study is intended to research the changing job of Marketing of films and its effect on film industry assortment in the opening end of the week. This paper comprises of research plan as graphic since it is organized with an obviously expressed speculation, insightful inquiries and revelation of relationship among factors. The examination investigated movie industry in detail and encourages the scientist to discover new and inventive approaches to advance the 'belief merchandise resembles films. The investigation likewise ventures into a visible end result that there is a critical effect of Marketing of movies on Box office assortment in Opening Weekend. The discoveries of this can give some important extension to Marketers to have a decent spending plan for advancement and attention for films, inevitably that lead into fruitful film industry assortment in the opening end of the week itself.


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How to Cite

Dr. Kanti Thesia. (2016). Role of marketing of movies and its impact on their performance on box-office.: A critical study. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(4). Retrieved from