The usefulness of New Media in the 21st century: A review

The usefulness of New Media in the 21st century: A review


  • Dr. Kanti Thesia


New Media, usefulness, 21st century, communication


Web use is one the ascent and with it the expanding expansion of web-based life. As computer-mediated correspondence enters a new period of digitalisation and coordination, progressively the inclination to be associated is getting a greater amount of a relentless needing. Experimental proof proposes the new age to be especially inclined to that propensity. There is a dread that utility of the web may before long be dominated by the diversion and excitement part it gives. However, it is to be checked whether the user is aware of this platform and its issues. In this paper, the said issue has been profoundly looked into.


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How to Cite

Dr. Kanti Thesia. (2016). The usefulness of New Media in the 21st century: A review. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(6). Retrieved from