Importance Of Public Relation In Tourism Sector
Nowadays World become a global village, borders between countries disappear as result of globalization. Latest technology bring more easy way of transportation and effective communication compared to the past century. This research analyze the meaning of public relations for the tourism industry in everybody’s process in the profitable branch of the economy, which is especially significant for economic growth of each Nations, the emphasis of scientific approach is presented as a characterized operation function allowing you to communicate the bidirectional communication between the organization and it’s target Public. Tourism industry has fast growth in the past some decade, along with advertising, marketing and public relation play a major role as a promotional tool for the tourism industry. Public relations is function in tourism as many different ways, it’s also called a strategic communication that build mutual understanding and mutually beneficial relationship between organizations and their target Public. The purpose of this research is how public relation play a major role for the development of tourism industry and allowing the tourism of the Nations to become a profitable, productive and culturele and socially beneficial activity.
• Ana zdravoska ilievska, public relations management in the tourism industry: NEEDS and Perspectives, impact Journal, ISSN (P): 2347-4564: ISSN(E) :2321-8878, Vol.6, issue 4, Apr 2018, 83-94.
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