Stakeholder Perception in Sustainable Tourism: Kashmir Himalayas

Stakeholder Perception in Sustainable Tourism: Kashmir Himalayas


  • Qazi Ruban
  • Dr. Kushal Singh


Stakeholder perception, Sustainable tourism, Kashmir Himalayas, Stakeholder engagement, Tourism development, Community participation, Environmental conservation, Destination management


This research paper examines the perception of stakeholders in the context of sustainable tourism development in the Kashmir Himalayas. Sustainable tourism is increasingly recognized as a crucial approach for balancing economic development with environmental conservation and social well-being. Understanding the perspectives and perceptions of stakeholders is vital for effective sustainable tourism planning and management. The unique natural and cultural attributes of the Kashmir Himalayas make it an intriguing case study for investigating stakeholder perception in the context of sustainable tourism. Through a comprehensive literature review, this study explores the concepts of sustainable tourism, stakeholder engagement, and the factors influencing stakeholder perception in the context of tourism development. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, including interviews, surveys, and observations, to collect data from various stakeholder groups in the Kashmir Himalayas. The data is analyzed using thematic analysis and content analysis techniques to identify patterns and themes related to stakeholder perception.

The findings of this research highlight the diverse range of stakeholders involved in sustainable tourism in the Kashmir Himalayas, including local communities, government agencies, tourism operators, environmental organizations, and tourists. The analysis reveals varying perceptions among stakeholders, influenced by factors such as economic interests, cultural values, environmental concerns, and social impacts. The study also compares the stakeholder perceptions with existing literature and case studies to identify similarities, differences, and unique aspects specific to the Kashmir Himalayas.


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How to Cite

Qazi Ruban, & Dr. Kushal Singh. (2023). Stakeholder Perception in Sustainable Tourism: Kashmir Himalayas. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 933–951. Retrieved from