Pedagogical Usage of Films in Teaching Vedanta

Pedagogical Usage of Films in Teaching Vedanta


  • Radha Mehta


Vedanta is a rich school of Indian Philosophy with deep and complex philosophical ideas. It holds the true essence of Indianness. However, its complexity makes it a hard to grasp topic. In the era of multimedia, using films to teach Vedanta can not only be helpful but also be an effective step towards making a curriculum holistic and multidisciplinary. In this paper, I have argumented that providing visuals too philosophical ideas can make the learning process more interesting. Students can understand the real-life application of theoretical philosophies and taste the deeply profound philosophical aesthetics of Indian philosophy. Seeing Indian roots in highly acclaimed films of the world can strengthen students’ respects towards its heritage, roots and culture. I have also attempted to provide a few examples of films that can be used in teaching Vedanta along with a pedagogical model. This paper keeps NEP 2020 in focus while analyzing the implications of teaching Vedanta through films.


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NEP 2020 Available on

Swami Chimayanand, The Holy Geeta. Pubished by Chinmay Prakashan. 1st edition, December, 2000.

Gawde, Shakuntala. Understanding Vedanta through Films (A Pedagogical Model) A Case Study of ‘Matrix’. A paper published in New Frontiers in Sanskrit and Indic Knowledge; edited by Prof Shrinivas Varakhedi, Prof Gauri Mahulikar, 1st edition 2020.

The proceedings of International Conferences NSFI-2017 & NSFI-2018, Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth, Veliyanad, Kerala.

Groundhog Day (1993) available on Prime Video

The Matrix (1999) available on Prime Video

Inception (2010) available on Prime Video

The Tree of Life (2011) available on Prime Video

Samsara (2011) available on Prime Video

Soul (2020) available on Disney+ Hotstar

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How to Cite

Radha Mehta. (2023). Pedagogical Usage of Films in Teaching Vedanta. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 769–776. Retrieved from