Sociolinguistic Peep into Hind Swaraj of Mahatma Gandhi

Sociolinguistic Peep into Hind Swaraj of Mahatma Gandhi


  • Preksha V Patel


Sociolinguistics, Society, Language, Hind Swaraj, Technique, Methods


Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule is a treatise penned by Mahatma Gandhi. The book was originally written in Gujarati language and it was translated by Gandhiji himself. Translation of the book was the demand of the time. The intent of the present paper is to analyse and study the select book through the Sociolinguistic lens. Sociolinguistic is a blend of two term i.e. i.e. “Socio” or “pertaining to society” and “linguistics or “pertaining to language”. Sociolinguistic technically, is the branch of linguistics that deals with the study of language in relation to society. Language and society are like hand and glove. They are inter related as language can’t exist without society. Sociolinguistics can throw much light both on the nature of language and the nature of society. The present paper makes a moderate attempt to study the language of Gandhi as he employed in his work. Gandhiji wanted to reach at the every corner and door of an Indian through his words so he wrote in a very simple language and he was very much conscious about his words. We find the impact of other authors in his works when we minutely analyse the technique, method and language he used in his works.


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Coulmas, Florian. “Sociolinguistics”. The Handbook of Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2001.

Fishman, J. A. “The Relationship between Micro- and Macro-Sociolinguistics in the Study of Who Speaks What Language to Whom and When.” In Pride and Holmes, 1972.

Gandhi, M.K. Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule. International Printing Press, 1910. (Reprinted Second Edition by Navjivan Publishing House, Feb.,2018).

- - -, “Harijan” June 18, 1948.

Trudgill, Peter. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society. Rev. ed., Pelican Books, 1995.

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How to Cite

Preksha V Patel. (2023). Sociolinguistic Peep into Hind Swaraj of Mahatma Gandhi. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(4). Retrieved from