Personality Analysis of Arjuna Awardee Wrestler Shri Rajender Kumar

Personality Analysis of Arjuna Awardee Wrestler Shri Rajender Kumar




Personality, Wrestling


To scrutinize the case study of Wrestler Shri Rajinder Kumar, the data origin includes consideration of the couplet literatures and survey mechanism, interview, questionnaires technique as tools for assembly data for the study. This study focuses on his philosophy regarding sports as a profession in India. A case study is sketched utilizing the ancient, biographically detailed allegorical mechanism to analyze his quality as a player, his skillful peculiarity, his managerial mastery and his offering for Wrestling at highest level. This research will provide detailed information of shri Rajinder Kumar as a personality and as a wrestling coach. The results indicated that Shri Rajinder Kumar, Arjuna Awardee, is an outstanding wrestler, He is a thoroughly committed professional wrestling “GURU”, he is honest and sincere to his assignments, Shri Rajinder Kumar, Arjuna Awardee is very friendly, cooperative and regular in daily exercises, he is known for his remarkable patience and perseverance. He is very popular among his colleagues, his personality indicated that he is an extrovert by his nature and finally he is a role model for the young aspiring Wrestlers.


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How to Cite

SUNIL KUMAR. (2021). Personality Analysis of Arjuna Awardee Wrestler Shri Rajender Kumar. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from