Financial Situations of NGOs in Gujarat: A Study

Financial Situations of NGOs in Gujarat: A Study


  • Alka Lalitbhai Dhameliya


NGO, Community Service, Financial Situation, Non-Profit


Gujarat has a long history of community service. The state's philanthropic proclivity and Gandhi's influence in social reconstruction have helped to cover a wide range of development activities. NGOs refer to a diverse set of institutions that operate on a non-profit basis, serve the public sector, and engage in long-term, development work within the framework of international development cooperation. As NGOs' primary mission is to help their targeted beneficiaries and communities achieve mutually agreed-upon social goals, their effectiveness as organizations should be judged by their ability to help beneficiaries achieve mutually agreed-upon social goals. Beyond this, there is now a call for NGO financial performance or situation to focus on the overall functioning of the organization. This paper attempts to provide an overview of non-governmental development activity over the last few years in Gujarat with a focus on its financial situations.


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How to Cite

Alka Lalitbhai Dhameliya. (2018). Financial Situations of NGOs in Gujarat: A Study. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(3). Retrieved from