An Assessment Level of Efficiency in The Sanitational Prctices/Activities by The People Living in Duport Road Community, Paynesville City- Liberia

An Assessment Level of Efficiency in The Sanitational Prctices/Activities by The People Living in Duport Road Community, Paynesville City- Liberia


  • J. Samuel Kamanda


Sanitation practices, Environmental Efficiency, Public Health, Diseases


Sanitation plays a crucial role in public health, yet its efficiency/efficacy varies widely across different communities, particularly in urban settings like the Dupont Road Community in Paynesville City, Liberia. This study aims to assess the Efficiency of Sanitation Practices or activities by the people living in Dupont Road Community to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. The key to man’s health lies largely in his environment. In fact, much of man’s ill-health can be traced to adverse environmental factors such as water, soil and air pollution, poor housing conditions, presence of animal reservoir and insect vectors of diseases which pose threats to man’s health. Drawing upon relevant literature, including the importance of sanitation in public health [1], community-based approaches to sanitation improvement [2], challenges in urban sanitation management [3], assessment tools for sanitation efficiency [4], and policy implications for sanitation improvement [5], the research employs a mixed-methods approach. Data collection methods include surveys, direct observations, and participatory assessments involving community members. Through this comprehensive assessment, the study seeks to provide valuable insights for policymakers, community leaders, and residents to inform targeted interventions and initiatives that can enhance sanitation standards and foster a healthier environment for all residents of the Duport Road Community.


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How to Cite

J. Samuel Kamanda. (2024). An Assessment Level of Efficiency in The Sanitational Prctices/Activities by The People Living in Duport Road Community, Paynesville City- Liberia. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from