Mogubai Kurdikar - The Doyen of Jaipur Atrauli

Mogubai Kurdikar - The Doyen of Jaipur Atrauli


  • Dr. Gurinder H. Singh


Jaipur- Atrauli, Gayaki – Form & Content, Riyaaz- Sadhana, Purist, Social norms-Struggles, Ideology- Concept


The music world before nineteen hundreds was predominantly male oriented, when the female
performers were either court singers or entertainers. Though in the changing times there were several
talented women who were making new identities as concert singers. The two ladies to make this major
transition were Alladiya Khan‟s students Mogubai Kurdikar and Kesar Bai Kelkar who marked a shift from
chamber singing and Marathi stage drama to concert stage of classical Hindustani music. Their success
attributed enormously towards the phenomenal fame of their guru, Ustad Alladiya Khan whose
extraordinary style gained prominence and reigned the music world in north India years after him. It came to
be known as the Jaipur Atrauli Gayaki which made considerable impact particularly in Maharashtra.
This article is a life sketch of the musical journey of Mogu Bai Kurdikar, her undeterred resolve
ensuing her deep commitment through the many social struggles.


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Deshpande, V.H.1973` Indian Musical Traditions,‟ Bombay, MH, Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd

Deshpande, V.H.1989 ‘Between Two Taanpura’s’ Bombay, MH, Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd

Deodhar, B.R,1993 „Pillars of Hindustani Music’ „Bombay, MH, Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd

Nadkarni Mohan,1999,‟The Great Masters’ Noida, UP, Harper Collins Publishers India Pvt. Ltd.

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How to Cite

Dr. Gurinder H. Singh. (2015). Mogubai Kurdikar - The Doyen of Jaipur Atrauli. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(1). Retrieved from