Mobile Assisted Language Learning: A New Pedagogy and Platform for Learners to Learn English Language

Mobile Assisted Language Learning: A New Pedagogy and Platform for Learners to Learn English Language


  • Rakesh A Patel


Technology, MALL, Pros and Cons, TELL, CALL


Mobile learning has been found to be one of the major developing areas in recent years in educational field. The advancement of mobile technologies has also paved way for new learning experience through mobile based learning opportunities. The growing number of researches in the area of mobile language learning indicates the acceptance of m-learning among the community.


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How to Cite

Rakesh A Patel. (2019). Mobile Assisted Language Learning: A New Pedagogy and Platform for Learners to Learn English Language. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(3). Retrieved from