An Empirical Study of Financial Performance of Selected Private Sector Banks of India - After COVID-19 Arrived

An Empirical Study of Financial Performance of Selected Private Sector Banks of India - After COVID-19 Arrived


  • Vasani Sureshbhai Vithalbhai


This paper seeks to evaluate the performance of private sector Banks in India it’s also covered the impact of COVID-19 on the banking sector. Nowadays, the banking sector is one of the fastest-growing sectors and lots of funds are invested in banks so that the banking system is becoming more and more complex and therefore there is a strong need to evaluate the performance of the banks. In today’s scenario, most of the banks have more NPA, so due to this condition, many banks go to liquation and merger/acquisition so that this paper helps to know the conditions of the private sector banks in India. The author has selected the top 8 private Banks and the researcher has also select as parameters like Net Profit Ratio of the selected banks for the Study.


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How to Cite

Vasani Sureshbhai Vithalbhai. (2020). An Empirical Study of Financial Performance of Selected Private Sector Banks of India - After COVID-19 Arrived. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(3). Retrieved from