Deciphering Dexterities and Anxieties in The Shadow Lines by Amitav Ghosh

Deciphering Dexterities and Anxieties in The Shadow Lines by Amitav Ghosh


  • Dr. Arjunsinh K. Parmar


Communalism, Partition, Nationalism, Russian Formalism, Structuralism


Amitav Ghosh’s dexterities and anxieties in one of his artistically crafted novels, The Shadow Lines (1988) are examined in the current research paper. Amitav Ghosh's arrangement of components, such as the novel's world and scenario, incidents and individuals will be examined along with the technique of telling and recalling the story, are also examined, with an emphasis on how they are constructed in combination with his major thematic interest. Because memory serves as the novel's narrative trigger, Amitav Ghosh's prompt enterprise is examined as an important element of his narration structure. The novel's architecture is dismantled utilising narrative terminology drawn from Russian Formalism as well as Structuralist mediations to demonstrate Ghosh's creative art. In addition to discussing the novel's narrative structure technique, this article examines Ghosh's investigation of georeferenced pronouncements in the context of Bengal's division into Bangladesh and West Bengal, as well as his support for liberal sensitivity and interim solution in a culturally diversified setting


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How to Cite

Dr. Arjunsinh K. Parmar. (2022). Deciphering Dexterities and Anxieties in The Shadow Lines by Amitav Ghosh. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 7(5). Retrieved from

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