Reflection of Magical Realism in the Salman Rushdie‟s Postcolonial Novel Midnight’s Children

Reflection of Magical Realism in the Salman Rushdie‟s Postcolonial Novel Midnight’s Children


  • Dr. Tushar Brahmbhatt


Magical Realism, Post-Colonialism


“Reality is a question of perspective; the further you get from the past, the more concrete and
plausible it seems – but as you approach present, it inevitably
seems more and more incredible”
- Salman Rushdie, Midnight‟s Children
Salman Rushdie (19 June 1947) got the Australian State Prize for European Literature in 1993,
Midnight‟s Children has been greatly praised in the world. This novel is based on the midnight of 14th-
15th August, 1947 and the children born on that midnight. The Satanic Verses raised a storm of
controversy among the orthodox Muslims. Muslims countries issued „fatwa‟ against him and he ran to
foreign country for his life.
The present paper will enlighten on Post-colonialism, Post-colonialism in literature, Post-Colonial
Theory, Magical Realism in Rushdie‟s Post-colonial Novel „Midnight‟s Children‟ and finally Depiction
of Post-colonialism in „Midnight‟s Children‟.


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How to Cite

Dr. Tushar Brahmbhatt. (2020). Reflection of Magical Realism in the Salman Rushdie‟s Postcolonial Novel Midnight’s Children. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(4). Retrieved from