Global Trends in Electronic Communication & Revolution Toward Business

Global Trends in Electronic Communication & Revolution Toward Business


  • Dr. Tushar Brahmbhatt


E-commerce, E-mail, Internet, Hardware and Software


Dr. Brahmbhatt has discussed 6 sections in this paper entitled „Global Trends in Electronic Communication and Revolution toward Business‟. In the introductory section of this paper, the author discusses how DSL, Speech Recognition and Internet Telephony have literally swept the world. The author states here that these services of e-mail are now commercially available in India and the world has become a global village on account of the speed of the delivery of the message. More than a 100 countries have electronic networks, inter-linked to one another at some point. In the next section, he has discussed „Internet‟ and its multifarious uses, search engines, download-upload of information and, e-mail address. In the third section, the hardware and software requirements for connecting to the internet are discussed. In the forth section, definition of e-commerce and how it has transformed the lives of millions of people is well discussed. Further, the author claims here that it has reached the common man. The fifth section of the paper discusses the effect of technology on language and finally the sixth section discusses disadvantages of the electronic communication.


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Pradhan, N. (2010).Business Communication. London; Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.

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How to Cite

Dr. Tushar Brahmbhatt. (2020). Global Trends in Electronic Communication & Revolution Toward Business. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5). Retrieved from