Awareness of B.Ed. Trainees on E-Resources

Awareness of B.Ed. Trainees on E-Resources


  • Dr. Sonal N. Sevak


The technology advancement is increasing day by day. These advancement and changing trends have put forward new challenges before Library and information science professionals. Tremendous growth & diversification of knowledge have emerged with multidisciplinary subjects. Information is needed in all aspects of society and in all disciplines. Innovative introduction of information and communication technology boosted research activities in every subject areas all over the world. Old technologies of information exchange are being replaced by new technologies and methods. Over the last several years a significant transformation has been noticed in the collection development policies and practices of academic and research libraries. Most of printed resources are giving up before electronic resources and so that today electronic resources are taking place of traditional resources. In fact new generation is demanding for these electronic resources. The electronic resources have brought up lot of popularity among the researchers. It is only because most of the relevant electronic resources are now available throw the web. Anyone can have access anywhere and from any corner of the .world by round the clock. Today research libraries and academic libraries are spending lot of money on these electronic resources. Various consortiums are in the market having thousands of online journals and databases, providing services round the clock only for users.


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Berg B L (1998) Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences (3rd ed). Boston, MA, Allyn & Bacon

Ibrahim A.M. (2004) Use and user perception of Electronic Resources in United Arab Emirates University, Libri, vol. 54, pp. 18–29

Haridassan, S. & Khan, M. (2009).Impact and use of e-resources by social scientists in National Social science Documentation center (NASSDOC). (accessed on 21 Feb 2012).

Researchersam. (2009). Broadband in India–An insight. Internet-India66rate or flag this page. (accessed on 21 Feb 2012).

Wentzel P, et al. (2005) Using Mobile Technology to Enhance Students’ EducationalExperiences:ECARCaseStudyAvailableat: (accessed 12 July 2012).

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How to Cite

Dr. Sonal N. Sevak. (2018). Awareness of B.Ed. Trainees on E-Resources. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(1). Retrieved from

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