Plagiarism and Research Ethics

Plagiarism and Research Ethics


  • Dr. Sonal N. Sevak


fabrication, intellectual contribution, plagiarism, scientific misconduct, software


Plagiarism may be a main downside for analysis. There are, however, divergent views on a way
to outline plagiarism and on what makes plagiarism condemnable. during this paper we tend to explicate the
thought of “plagiarism” and discuss plagiarism normatively in reference to analysis. We advise that
plagiarism ought to be understood as “someone exploitation somebody else’s tutorial product (such as texts,
ideas, or results), thereby implying that it's their own” Associate in Nursing quarrel that this is often an
adequate and fruitful definition. we tend to discuss variety of circumstances that create plagiarism additional
or less grave and therefore the plagiarizer additional or less culpable. As results of our normative analysis,
we advise that what makes plagiarism condemnable in and of itself is that it distorts scientific credit.
Additionally, intentional plagiarism involves dishonesty. There is, moreover, variety of doubtless negative
consequences of plagiarism.


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How to Cite

Dr. Sonal N. Sevak. (2016). Plagiarism and Research Ethics. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(4). Retrieved from

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