Mahasweta Devi Giving Voice to the Voiceless with Special Reference to Subaltern Studies

Mahasweta Devi Giving Voice to the Voiceless with Special Reference to Subaltern Studies


  • Vrutti Yogeshbhai Dave


Post-colonial studies examine how personal and collective identities are impacted by the cultural displacements caused by imperial conquests and dominance. It poses a threat to the hegemonic position of the governing forces, as well as the value system that upholds imperialism on every different level. To be more specific, the concerns it addresses include racial and ethnic diversity, language, gender, identity, social status, and, most importantly, power.

The Palestinian-American critic Edward Said's book "Orientalism," published in 1978, represents the beginning of the field of postcolonial studies. Bhabha is another prominent postcolonial theorist who examines the occurrences of cultural exchanges between conquerors and colonized people. It was Gayatri Chakravorty. Spivak is the third most prominent postcolonial critic. He is attempting to bring to light the colonized people who have been forgotten or ignored throughout history (written by the mainstream) because they were either hushed or denied the opportunity to make their voices heard. She draws attention to the predicament of the colonized as a whole, who are oppressed, unheard, exploited, and silenced; nevertheless, she observes that women are doubly unheard and invisible in patriarchal cultures. Spivak was the first postcolonial thinker unafraid to speak up and had a feminist objective.


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Devi, Mahasweta. "Pterodactyl, Puran Sahay, and Pirtha." Imaginary Maps (1995): 95-196.

Sengupta, Ratnottama. "Badge of All Their Tribes–Mahasweta Devi." Times of India 5 (2000).

—. Five Plays. Calcutta: Seagull, 1997.

Bhattacherjee, R. A Mirror that shames: Mahasweta Devi’s ‘Daini.’

Ghatak, Maitreya. "Introduction Dust on the Road: The Activist Writings of Mahasweta. ed Maitreya Ghatak." (2000).

Ludden, David, ed. Reading subaltern studies: Critical history, contested meaning and the globalization of South Asia. Anthem Press, 2002.

De Kock, Leon. "An Interview with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak." Ariel: A review of international English literature 23.3 (1992).

Spivak, Gayatri. "Chakravorty. The Post-Colonial Critic: Essays, Strategies, Dialogues." (1990).

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How to Cite

Vrutti Yogeshbhai Dave. (2023). Mahasweta Devi Giving Voice to the Voiceless with Special Reference to Subaltern Studies. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si1), 144–151. Retrieved from