The Only American from Our Village: Self - Aggrandizement in The Short Story by Arun Joshi

The Only American from Our Village: Self - Aggrandizement in The Short Story by Arun Joshi


  • Dharmesh P Vavaiya


Indian English Literature, Moral degradation, Self - glorification, psychological realism, social realism, materialistic values, deteriorating society


Today’s society is facing moral degradation because of the self – glorifying tendencies around us. But this can’t be applied to each and every younger person or with regards to this story each and every son. But this short story – The Only American From Our Village – by Arun Joshi shows the materialistic and rational view of Dr. Khanna; the son of this story. The anxiety and will to be in industrialization and urbanization shows Social realism and the effect of this on the lives of parents at the native towns focuses on the Psychological realism of today’s life elaborating the effects of self - aggrandizement.


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A. A. Sinha. The Novels of Kamla Markandaya and Arun Joshi, Jalandhar, ABS Publications, 1992.

J. Tapan, K. Ghose. Arun Joshi’s Fiction, The Labyrinth of Life Prestige, New Delhi, 1996.

Rajendra Prasad. The Self, The Family and Society in Five Indian Novelists: Rajan, Raja Rao, Narayan, Arun Joshi, Anita Desai. New Delhi, Prestige, 1990.

R. K. Dhawan (Ed.). The Novels of Arun Joshi. New Delhi, Prestige

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How to Cite

Dharmesh P Vavaiya. (2018). The Only American from Our Village: Self - Aggrandizement in The Short Story by Arun Joshi. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(3). Retrieved from