Comparsion of Adequate Depth of Feeling with Adequate Expression and Control of Emotion of Tribal and Non-Tribal Area Sportsmen

Comparsion of Adequate Depth of Feeling with Adequate Expression and Control of Emotion of Tribal and Non-Tribal Area Sportsmen


  • Munish Kumar


The present study investigates the comparison of adequate depth of feeling with adequate expression and control of emotion a component of emotional competence of tribal and non- tribal area sportsmen. To solve the purpose of study 180 randomly selected sportsmen (90 tribal and 90 non- tribal area) of Himachal Pradesh were taken as the sample. Null hypothesis had been framed for the present study. Psychological variables adequate depth of feeling and adequate expression and control of emotion measured by Emotional competence Scale developed by Dr. H.C. Sharma and Dr. R. L. Bhardwaj. The data was analyzed by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. The statically tools used for the study were mean, SD and “t” test was used. On the basis of obtained results there is no significant difference was recorded by employing “t” test. Whereas slight mean difference was recorded in tribal area sportsmen and the mean difference for non tribal area was infractions.


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How to Cite

Munish Kumar. (2021). Comparsion of Adequate Depth of Feeling with Adequate Expression and Control of Emotion of Tribal and Non-Tribal Area Sportsmen. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from