Impact of Article 370’s Abrogation on the Society, Polity and Economy of Jammu and kashmir

Impact of Article 370’s Abrogation on the Society, Polity and Economy of Jammu and kashmir




Article 370, Abrogation, Victory, Terrorism, peace, Investment, Development


The abrogation of special status of jammu and kashmir is a great victory for the whole nation. Now every indian can proudly say that from kashmir to kanyakumari india is unite. This step will truly unite kashmiri people with indian union and will also assist in removing terrorism from the state. The kashmir which is known in the world as heaven on the earth has no investment because of the article 370 or the special status of state however now article deletion will open door for the industrial development and large scale of jobs will be available for the youths of state. This decision of government of india will also help in restoring peace and order in the state and will also help in perishing terrorism.


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How to Cite

IRSHAD AHMAD. (2021). Impact of Article 370’s Abrogation on the Society, Polity and Economy of Jammu and kashmir . Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from