Approaches for Text Mining using Ontology

Approaches for Text Mining using Ontology


  • Atish M Shah


unstructured document, information structuring, information extraction, ontology


Extraction of information from the unstructured document depending on an ontology application describes domain of interest which is presented as a new approach. To start with such ontology, we formulate rules to extract constants and context keywords from unstructured documents. For every unstructured document of interest, constants and keywords are extracted and a recognizer is applied to organize constants which are extracted as attribute values of tuples in a database schema generated. To make approach general, all the process is fixed and only ontological description is changed according to different application domain. In this paper, we are describing on two different types of unstructured document: firstly as offline which is based on specific PDF document and secondly as online which is Web-based and our approach attained recall scale in 80 percent and 90 percent range and accuracy near 98 percent.


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How to Cite

Atish M Shah. (2020). Approaches for Text Mining using Ontology. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(3). Retrieved from