Questions to ask to know Teachers’ Worldview

Questions to ask to know Teachers’ Worldview


  • Dr. Janelle Ferro


There is a hierarchy of value propositions that constitutes a framework on the basis of which individual teachers make decisions. There are a lot of philosophers that have given definitions of worldview.

The biggest question that a person can ask is how well we define our own self. This holds true for the teacher and the student. Since none of these individuals exist in a vacuum, it is expected that each will come with their own presuppositions and baggage to the table. As they interact with each other, there will also be a trade of ideas and propositions that could be more favouring one direction, namely the teacher to the student. Thus, it becomes imperative to ask what worldview the teacher holds as it will have a significant impact on the recipient and the learning environment created.


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How to Cite

Dr. Janelle Ferro. (2024). Questions to ask to know Teachers’ Worldview. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from