Amritkal Se Swarnim Kal ki Aur Udan

Amritkal Se Swarnim Kal ki Aur Udan


  • Vishal Dilipkumar Shah


  • We will be financial capital in the world.
  • We will be the largest economy in the world.
  • We will be largest market base.
  • We will be the Adhyakmik capital.
  • We will be safest country in the world.
  • We will rise towards Vishavaguru.
  • In short, we will be world capital in all aspects (it is difficult together will can achieve this goal).

Education will play a pivotal role, it is the foundation stone, which can make our Journey towards for vikshit bharat at 2047 very fruitful


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How to Cite

Vishal Dilipkumar Shah. (2024). Amritkal Se Swarnim Kal ki Aur Udan. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from