Vision of Blue Sky: Hopeful Prospect of Hierarchy

Vision of Blue Sky: Hopeful Prospect of Hierarchy


  • Dr. Puja Srivastava


Vision, Responsibility, society, race, impartiality, class


The vision of developed nation provides opportunity to every citizen to envisage towards the country they want to see in the future at the completion of hundred years of freedom from colonization. Development and nourishment of family is dependent on the positive aim of each member and maintenance of equality among them. It demands for social and communal responsibility and civic engagement. There had been great writers who have tried to bring awareness through their writings about the negative aspects of social inequality.  The novel Animal Farm by George Orwell aptly tells about the consequence of absolute power, loss of ideology and corruption in the society. The consequence of class difference and the dominancy of the hierarchy, where Napoleon and the other pigs represented the ruling class while other animals of the farm represent the lower class, finally it lead to demolition of Animal Farm. This in fact portrays the political condition of the present time. Few upper class people are ruling and making the lower class feel inferior. This condition continues till the lower class is suppressed to an extent of being de motivated and visionless. In the novel To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee also reflects the social impartiality on the ground of color and race. Where a black man (Tom Robinson) was accused of raping a white girl, which actually he did not and when Atticus Finch, a white man took his case and tried to defend him, then people of Maycomb, South America stood against him and it became difficult for the judge to give any judgment as the case became a matter of racial prejudice. It brings the deeply rooted racism in not only among the people but even within the legal system in the Deep South community where the story is set. When racial hatred runs so deep in a community then the imagination of blossoming country becomes a dream of every individual. The main protagonist in the whole situation was a small nine years old girl child Scout and her brother Tom. This scenario brings the real picture of the society that the children who are considered to be the future of a nation are being engrossed with the evil thought of people. This upbringing can never make them feel motivated towards a bright future.


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Lee, Harper and Bloom, Harold. To Kill a Mockingbird, Info base Publishing, New York,2010

Abass, Salim Kadhim, Interconnection of Orwell’s Novel Animal Farm as a Micro- Universe and Our Macro- Universe, Globe International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 5; Issue: 4, October- December 2021, Pg.- 27- 36

Orwell, George. Animal Farm, London, Penguin, 2001

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How to Cite

Dr. Puja Srivastava. (2024). Vision of Blue Sky: Hopeful Prospect of Hierarchy. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from