The Impact of Gender Discrimination on Women’s Sustainable Career Growth in Organization

The Impact of Gender Discrimination on Women’s Sustainable Career Growth in Organization


  • Mr. Diwakar Das


Gender Discrimination, Sustainable Growth, Employee motivation, Performance Level, Professional Goals and Values


This study tries to review the current paradigms of gender discrimination in organisations in order to analyze and understand how discrimination on the basis of gender interrupts women’s career growth which directly impact employee’s productivity. In order to assess and comprehend how gender discrimination impedes women's career advancement, which has a direct impact on workers' productivity, this study attempts to explore the prevalent paradigms of gender discrimination in organisations. While there has been much research done on the career paths of young, competent female employees. The study attempts to start with an overview in order to emphasise how avoiding gender discrimination defies preconceptions that are often overlooked when it comes to building a successful career. The investigation of gender discrimination and its effects on women's long-term professional development can then be conducted in a way that generates narratives for comprehending career advancement. The study attempts to investigate and suggest the progressive perseverance and perception that a nation such as India. World’s one of the oldest civilization i.e. Bharat has the capability to lead the beacon. This is our moral, ethical and social value to treat everyone equal with the slogan i. e. ‘Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam’.


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How to Cite

Mr. Diwakar Das. (2024). The Impact of Gender Discrimination on Women’s Sustainable Career Growth in Organization. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from