Consumer Perceptions towards Cybercrime in Gujarat

Consumer Perceptions towards Cybercrime in Gujarat


  • Patel Kirtiben Hasmukhbhai


Cybersecurity Perception, Consumer Attitudes, Online Threats, Digital Safety Measures, Gujarat Cybercrime, Cybercrime Reporting


This study focuses on the views of consumers towards cybercrime in Gujarat, India. This state is known for its economic progress and technological development in Western India. The advancement of technology has raised concern to businesses and individuals regarding cybercrime. The aim of this research is to determine how consumers regard cybercrimes and their understanding on different kinds of threats about it. It also explores the steps taken by customers to shield themselves from online frauds as well as assesses their opinions about the effectiveness of such precautions. Objective: To assess consumer perceptions towards cybercrime in Gujarat, India. Originality/Value: In the context of Gujarat, India, this research is unique as it has a focused study into consumer attitudes towards cybercrime which provides insight into how people in this area specifically regard internet threats. What makes it stand out is its investigation of what customers think about cyber security in the very fast developing digital environment. Findings and Implications: The findings show that consumers in Gujarat have different views on cybercrime, which implies that there is a need to establish region specific strategies for ensuring cybersecurity as well as campaigns aimed at increasing awareness.


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How to Cite

Patel Kirtiben Hasmukhbhai. (2024). Consumer Perceptions towards Cybercrime in Gujarat. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from