Man Made Disasters and Environmental Laws vis-à-vis

Man Made Disasters and Environmental Laws vis-à-vis


  • Priyanka Shah


disasters, ecological balance, environment safety, laws, sustainability


The world is facing an increasing frequency and intensity of disasters – natural and manmade – that has had devastating impacts. As reported by the secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), the last ten years have seen 478,100 people killed, more than 2.5 billion people affected and about US$ 690 billion in economic losses. Disasters triggered by hydro-meteorological hazards amounted for 97 percent of the total people affected by disasters, and 60 percent of the total economic losses. The greater tragedy is that many of the losses due to disasters could have been prevented.[1] The researcher aimed to Analise the situation of the development taking place and requirements necessary to be maintained for healthy livelihood are maintained or not! The researcher has taken help of the Environmental Laws and Disaster Management Act governing the laws relating to manmade disasters in India.


[1] Disasters and Conflicts available at (Visited on February 4, 2024).


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Purohit, M. S. (2012). Resource Management in the Desert Ecosystem of Nagaur District: An Ecological Study of Land (Agriculture), Water and Human Resources (Doctoral dissertation, Maharaja Ganga Singh University).

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How to Cite

Priyanka Shah. (2024). Man Made Disasters and Environmental Laws vis-à-vis. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from