Trends which are new and related to modern engineering research and technology

Trends which are new and related to modern engineering research and technology


  • P Prasant


Engineers play a key role in our societal development, contributing to and enabling initiatives that drive economic progress enhance social and physical infrastructures, innovative products and inspire the changes that improve our quality of life as well as trends of new thinking. Simultaneously, industry and manufacturing are facing unprecedented challenges of new thinking due to globalization and distributed manufacturing. As a result, the business environment of manufacturing enterprises is characterized by continuous change and increasing complexity. The challenges for companies arise not only from the need for flexible technical solutions, but also from managing complex socio-technical systems, and contribute tangibly to the sustainable development of manufacturing and the environment. Researchers and graduates with the ability to understand both complex technological processes and the creative arts and social skills are increasingly sought after in today's industrial and business world in areas of: Manufacturing Management, Health and Service Sectors, Product Engineering and Technical Sales, Transportation and Logistics. Using their strong technical and communication skills, engineering managers oversee a variety of team-based activities. By focusing on the critical role of engineering in solving our most complex global issues,we aspire to make the profession more attractive to both male and female students.


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How to Cite

P Prasant. (2020). Trends which are new and related to modern engineering research and technology. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(3). Retrieved from