Role of E_NAM (E-National Agricultural Market) Portal in Indian Agricultural Market Sector

Role of E_NAM (E-National Agricultural Market) Portal in Indian Agricultural Market Sector


  • Mathurji Chamanji Chandisra


Trading, Marketing Committee, Agricultural Markets, Agriculture, Production


In this study E_NAM portal launched for holistic development of agricultural market under Indian agriculture sector is studied. We all know that India is an agricultural country, 68% of India's total population depends on agriculture for livelihood. Agriculture remains the only source of livelihood for such marginal, small farmers. In the country as a whole, there is a major problem in the agricultural market. In which the problems of farmers not getting proper price of grain, distribution of grain, lack of storage, exploitation of moneylenders etc. become very complicated. Pursuant to which the E_NAM portal launched by the Central Government has been studied.


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How to Cite

Mathurji Chamanji Chandisra. (2023). Role of E_NAM (E-National Agricultural Market) Portal in Indian Agricultural Market Sector. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(1). Retrieved from