Technology-Mediated Peer Feedback for Improving Speaking Skills in Tertiary Language Education: A systematic Review

Technology-Mediated Peer Feedback for Improving Speaking Skills in Tertiary Language Education: A systematic Review


  • Priyadharshini


Students' language acquisition and communication skills in tertiary language education need to develop proficient speaking skills. Traditional teaching strategies, however, frequently have trouble giving students enough chances to exercise and get feedback on their speaking abilities. (Chong & Reinders, 2020). Due to this restriction, different strategies have been investigated, such as technology-mediated peer feedback. Technology-mediated peer feedback involves exchanging feedback between language learners using digital tools and platforms. It uses technology's capabilities and the advantages of peer interaction to foster an interactive and encouraging learning environment. Students can receive timely and helpful peer feedback on their speaking performance through technological peer-feedback activities, allowing them to pinpoint areas for improvement and develop their language skills.


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How to Cite

Priyadharshini. (2023). Technology-Mediated Peer Feedback for Improving Speaking Skills in Tertiary Language Education: A systematic Review. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(1). Retrieved from