The Portrayal of Women Characters in the Select Plays of Mahesh Dattani: A Critical Study

The Portrayal of Women Characters in the Select Plays of Mahesh Dattani: A Critical Study


  • Ms. Arati J. Samta


Society, Man centric society, Women, Separation


This paper will examine the depiction of ladies’ characters in the select plays of Mahesh Dattani. He is one of the notable English writers. Dattani's plays offer a magnificent concentrate on rationalizations of force in the public eye. He has sensationalized the entire array of connections where the elements of force work. He ably handles the complexities and functions of human holding where the man centric power frantically attempts to overwhelm individuals around. In a significant number of his plays, he portrays so capably the place of the exploiter and the took advantage of that they will generally contact harmonies in each human heart and appeal to the crowd as practical and persuading. His plays manage the issues like orientation separation, kid inappropriate behavior, gay-lesbian (LGBT) relationship, class-struggle, male centric society, age hole and so forth. Dattani's plays contact to the truth. His characters are living and hopeful in nature. In this paper, scientist will look at and talk about the depiction of ladies’ characters in Dattani's plays Tara (1990) and Valiantly Battled the Sovereign (1991).


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How to Cite

Ms. Arati J. Samta. (2019). The Portrayal of Women Characters in the Select Plays of Mahesh Dattani: A Critical Study. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(5). Retrieved from