Performance of Agro Based Industries in India: An Overview

Performance of Agro Based Industries in India: An Overview


  • Ms. Indu Dhiman
  • Dr. Puneeta Sharm


Agro based Industries, labour intensive, capital invested, GVA


In addition to innovation and capital outflow, a country's industrial development depends on the availability of raw materials and suitable physical infrastructure. Agriculture is one of the major raw material providing sectors for major industries like paper, sugar, textile, fertilizers, chemical, edible oil, etc. Agro-based industries can significantly contribute to the overall development of the economy by effectively utilizing the local raw materials, which may ultimately lead to an increase in gainful employment opportunities to poor people mainly landless, marginal and small farmers. In this paper we mainly discuss the performance of agro-based industries in India.


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How to Cite

Ms. Indu Dhiman, & Dr. Puneeta Sharm. (2023). Performance of Agro Based Industries in India: An Overview. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si6), 195–204. Retrieved from