Methodological Approach Towards Removing Shadow and Detection

Methodological Approach Towards Removing Shadow and Detection


  • Vaibhav Desai


Shadow Removal, Detection Methods


Identifying and removing shadows in various real-world situations, such as satellite pictures, and computer vision systems. It is a difficult job for humans to complete. Shadow in a high-resolution picture may incorrectly classify the actual object, lowering the performance of a satellite image. There are a variety of strategies and methods that can be used to identify and eliminate shadows from satellite images. This study paper aims to provide an overview of various methods and techniques for shadow detection and removal, along with their benefits and drawbacks. For researchers working in the same field, this study paper will serve as a quick reference.


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Vishal Ganngadharrao and P.U. Chati (April-2002), “Shadow Detection Technique of Satellite Image for Shadow Removal”, Nagpur, India.

Prof. S. S. Kulkarni, Kiran Hingmire, Pallavi Kute, Samiksha Kusalkar, and Saylee Pethe (March-2005), “Survey on Shadow Detection and Reconstruction in VHR Images”, SAE, Pune, Maharastra, India.

Prateek Sharma and Richa Sharma (2003), “Shadow Detection and its Removal from Images Using Strong Edge Detection Method”, Punjabi University, Patiala India.

J.M. Wang, “shadow detection and removal for traffic images”, preceding of IEEE international conference on networking, sensing & control, Taipei Taiwan.

Yang Yijun, Zhao Rongchun and Jiang Wenbing (2002), “Detection of shadow areas from aerial imagery”. Signal Processing,18(3), pp.228-232.

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How to Cite

Vaibhav Desai. (2016). Methodological Approach Towards Removing Shadow and Detection. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 2(2). Retrieved from