Job Satisfaction of School Teachers of Different Streams in Relation to Mental Health

Job Satisfaction of School Teachers of Different Streams in Relation to Mental Health


  • Deepak Kumar


Job Satisfaction,, Mental Health,, School Teachers,, Stream


Teachers cannot limit his responsibility to simply transferring knowledge from his old brittle notebook pages to the student’s notebook without touching their minds. Job satisfaction and mental health are the two important factors in the life of teachers. Teachers’ mental health is important and be judged on their ability to do their jobs well, jobhappiness, pride in their work and positive attitude. Mental health and job satisfaction lead to a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment in life. They are other’s cause and consequence. Teacher’s job satisfaction is a major indicator of their mental health. The worth of teachers and their professional concern with the job have dramatically changed as a result of the changing socioeconomic context and increased unemployment, negatively affecting their mental health. In the covid-19 scenario all educational institutions have adopted virtual courses and an online education system from the physical environment. As a result of this Teacher’smental Health and job satisfaction has affected a lot.The present study was conducted to study the job satisfaction of school teachers of different streams in relation to mental health.


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How to Cite

Deepak Kumar. (2021). Job Satisfaction of School Teachers of Different Streams in Relation to Mental Health. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from