An Analytical Study of Amrita Pritam as a Progressive Writer

An Analytical Study of Amrita Pritam as a Progressive Writer




Amrita Pritam was born in Gujarawala-the western part of Punjab, which is presently in Pakistan, in 1919 in a Sikh family. She was a daughter of Sardar Kartarshinh Hitkari who was known as Nand Sadhu. He was also a religious poet and a scholar. Her mother Rajbibi was a teacher in school. She passed away when Amrita was just one and half year old. She remained the only child as her brother passed away in infancy. Since her early days of youth, she emerged as a sincere aspirant of literary world.  


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Pritam Amrita, Trans. Singh Khushwant, ‘The Skelton and Other stories’ Tara Press,2009.

---. Trans. Krishna Gorawara. ‘The Revenue Stamp’, Vikas Publication, New Delhi, 1977.

---, ‘Selected Poems of Amrita Pritam’ etd. Nandy Pritis, Singh Khushwant, Kohli Suresh, Brasch Charlse, Amrita Pritam. Dialogue Calcutta Publications.

Varma Bhayashree, ‘Amrita Pritam Life as Literature’ Prestige Books New Delhi, 2006.

Anand, Mulk Raj, ‘On the Progressive Writers’ Movement’, in S. Pradhan (ed.) ‘Marxist Cultural Movement in India’, Vol. 1. Calcutta: National Book Agency, 1979.

Zaheer, Sajjad, ‘The Light: The History of the Movement for Progressive Literature in the Indo-Pakistan Subcontinent’ Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Abrams M.H., ‘A Glossary of Literary Terms’, Cengage Learning: Seventh Edition, 2005. Print.

Dave, Arjun. "Critical Study of Chinu Modi’s One Act Plays Bhasmasur and Kalparivartan." Vidhyayana-An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reveiwed E-Journal-ISSN 2454-8596 1.6 (2016).

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How to Cite

HIMA MEHTA. (2021). An Analytical Study of Amrita Pritam as a Progressive Writer. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from