Application of Dhwani theory on R.K.Narayan’s ‘Monday Morning’

Application of Dhwani theory on R.K.Narayan’s ‘Monday Morning’


  • Dr. Chetan R. Sakariya


Indian Poetics contains theories like Rasa, Alamkara, Riti, Dhwani, Vakrokti and Aucitya. These theories can be applied on the works of literature. Up till now Indian theories were merely talked about and discussed. Their application on literature can give altogether a new perception to the reader. The work of literature appears with many implied meanings in it. These implied meanings can only be gained with the application of certain theory on the work of literature. The present paper aims to study ‗Monday Morning‘, the first chapter from R.K. Narayan‘s novel ‗Swami and Friends‘ through the application of Dhwani theory.


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How to Cite

Dr. Chetan R. Sakariya. (2020). Application of Dhwani theory on R.K.Narayan’s ‘Monday Morning’. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(6). Retrieved from