Redefining the Role of a Teacher in the 21st Century

Redefining the Role of a Teacher in the 21st Century


  • Udeshi Hardik


Since ages the role of a teacher has been taken as to deliver the lecture and to transform the ideas from a sender to the receiver i.e students. The purpose of this paper is to examine the age old methods of teaching and technology based learning which can be useful to impart knowledge to the students and to change the role of a teacher in teaching. In teaching, the medium of instruction is taken up either in English or in regional languages but just as sending and receiving information. Ultimately, a teacher is trying his/her best way to communicate the ideas to the students as they have learnt in their schools or at university. 21st century in itself is a revolutionary century not only in the fields of science but in each and every field. Present century demands the changes in sharing the knowledge to the students by using innovative methods in teaching. Any method of teaching which serves the purpose without destroying the objective could be considered as innovative methods of teaching. The use of innovative tools in the educational field will not only serve the best in education but also will enhance the skill of an individual which will help to achieve the greater goal of human development of the country.


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Boud, D. & Feletti, G. The Challenge of Problem-Based Learning (2nd Ed.), London: Kogan Page. 1999

Hofstetter, F. T. Multimedia Literacy, New York: McGraw-Hill. 1995

Jonassen, D. H., Peck, K. L., and Wilson, B. G. Learning With Technology: A Constructivist Perspective. New Jersey: Merrill/Prentice Hall.1999

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How to Cite

Udeshi Hardik. (2016). Redefining the Role of a Teacher in the 21st Century. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 2(2). Retrieved from