The Pain of Partition in Bhishma Sahni’s Tamas

The Pain of Partition in Bhishma Sahni’s Tamas


  • Samir Khan


Partition, Human Sentiments


It is needless to say that the painful events of partition of such a vast magnitude is bound to affect the human sentiments and moral values to such an extent that all creative arts forms and artists involved with those arts forms came under its influence profoundly. That pain of partition is very well narrated in Bhishma Sahni’s Tamas. He experimented with his characters; it is remarkable to note that he is fully aware and acquainted with the customs, rituals and mannerisms of Muslim society. Sahani in his world famous and monumental novel Tamas presented his characters in realistic and true colors. Tamas is a harsh reminder of the immense tragedy of pre-partition communal riots in India. This novel demonstrated the realistic picture of the turmoil of partition in the wake of communal violence which aims to achieve political ends most of the time, catastrophe on large scale is expected.


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Captain Atkins cited in Saros Cowasjee’s Studies in Indian and Anglo Indian Fiction. New Delhi: Hoper Collins, 1993. p.80

Sahni, Bhishma. Tamas. New Delhi: Classical Publishers. 1975. Print

Sahani, Bhisham. Tamas. New Delhi: Penguine Books, 1987. p. 42.

Sahani, Bhisham. Tamas. New Delhi: Penguine Books, 1987. p.79.

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How to Cite

Samir Khan. (2017). The Pain of Partition in Bhishma Sahni’s Tamas. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 3(3). Retrieved from