A Psychological Insight To Propose A Model For Reasons For Upgradation and Degradation Of Human Intellect In Special Reference to Bhagvad Gita And Bhajgovindam

A Psychological Insight To Propose A Model For Reasons For Upgradation and Degradation Of Human Intellect In Special Reference to Bhagvad Gita And Bhajgovindam


  • Dr. Kanishk Shah


Intellectual decolonization, Bhagwad Gita, Bhajgovindam, Psychology, Management


Psychology as a branch is hardly a century and a half old but an evolved human mind is in place since three lac years. Bhaaratiya rishis and scriptures have a plethora of concepts for the mind management thousands of years ago but it has never found a place in the mainstream academia. Modern management started surfacing just during the industrial age but the land of Bhaarat (भारत्) has ancient yet contemporary treatise such as Arth Shastra on Economics, Niti Shahstra on Ethics Dharma Shastra on Duty and governance, Nyay Shastra and such others which are alive till today through traditions but not a part of the education curriculum. There is a lot from the former that can be developed as theories, concepts and models and can be introduced at various levels of education under the Indian Knowledge System (IKS) section as prescribed by the New Education policy (NEP). This paper tries to focus on just a drop from the ocean. The paper tries to come up with a model of chain of factors leading to Degradation and Upgradation of a Human Intellect and it is based on Bhagwad Gia; Adhyay 2 Shlok 62,63 and Shlok 9 from Shankaracharya’s Bhajgovindam. The application of this model can be seen in handling anger issues, Stress Management, Decision Making, Emotional Intelligence, Living a happy and blissful life and such areas. The beauty of the model is it gives a step wise process where one can self-examine their stage and do the needful. The underlying fact here is that intellect (बुद्धि) that is wisdom to discriminate is the key to everything once intellect is destroyed one is destroyed. The sorry state of affairs is in spite of the rich and varied Indian knowledge system we are settled for less. This paper aims to take a step towards achieving one of the Panch Praan which is to remove any trace of colonial mindset and achieve intellectual decolonization.


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How to Cite

Dr. Kanishk Shah. (2024). A Psychological Insight To Propose A Model For Reasons For Upgradation and Degradation Of Human Intellect In Special Reference to Bhagvad Gita And Bhajgovindam. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 10(s1), 373–385. Retrieved from https://vidhyayanaejournal.org/journal/article/view/1966