
  • Priyanka V. Patel


Power transformer, Differential protection, Magnetizing current, Internal fault, External fault


In the power systems, the power transformers are vital device as they are utilized for conversion of voltage at different levels. The differential Protection is the unit type and one of the main protections of power transformers. In the literature, the invention and modification have been performed in the differential Protection to overcome the various problem, such as a false operation due to magnetizing current and heavy external fault. In this paper, the trend of differential protection from conventional to latest advancement is extensively discussed. Initially, the conventional differential protections are described with their limitations. Subsequently, the advanced differential scheme based on wide area measurement, wavelet, artificial methods and Parks vector. This paper can be useful to the researchers, industrialist and academician involved in the differential protection of transformers for selecting the suitable version of differential protection and future research.


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How to Cite

Priyanka V. Patel. (2024). A TRENDS OF DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION UTILIZED FOR POWER TRANSFORMERS: A REVIEW. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 10(s1), 183–201. Retrieved from https://vidhyayanaejournal.org/journal/article/view/1953