An Examination of Cellphone Usage and Its Impact on Students: A Social Work Approach

An Examination of Cellphone Usage and Its Impact on Students: A Social Work Approach


  • Bhavdip V. Trivedi


Cell phone usage, students, academic performance, mental health, social work, intervention strategies


A growing number of students are becoming increasingly dependent on their mobile phones, which has led to an increasing worry over the influence that this dependence has on their academic performance, social relationships, and mental health. In this research, we investigate how students are affected by using cell phones, concentrating on this phenomenon’s good and bad elements. The research takes a social work approach to address the socio-psychological elements that contribute to mobile reliance, analyze its effect on student behavior, and suggest intervention techniques to reduce harm. To provide suggestions to educators, parents, and policymakers, the research uses empirical data, qualitative interviews, and theoretical frameworks within the field of social work.


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How to Cite

Bhavdip V. Trivedi. (2024). An Examination of Cellphone Usage and Its Impact on Students: A Social Work Approach. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from