Career Counseling at Grade-12 Level at a Public Sector School in Ahmedabad District

Career Counseling at Grade-12 Level at a Public Sector School in Ahmedabad District


  • Satish Shah


Career counseling, public sector schools, grade 12 students, career decision-making self-efficacy, Ahmedabad, India


This research explores effective models for delivering career counseling within the constraints of public sector schools in Ahmedabad, India. The study hypothesized that students receiving group workshops would demonstrate a greater increase in career decision-making self-efficacy compared to a control group.

A self-administered questionnaire measured students' self-belief in making career decisions before and after the intervention. The questionnaire also captured the intervention group's experiences with the program. Thematic analysis provided further insight.

Findings highlight the program's effectiveness in empowering students for informed career decisions. Students showed increased confidence and preparedness in areas like identifying interests, researching options andsetting goals. However, improvement is needed to ensure all students benefit maximally. The study underscores the importance of incorporating structured career guidance in the curriculum to better prepare students for their future careers.


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How to Cite

Satish Shah. (2024). Career Counseling at Grade-12 Level at a Public Sector School in Ahmedabad District. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(6). Retrieved from