Teaching of the poem ‘To Autumn’ for DSE Students of Semester 1 undergraduate students of Calcutta University

Teaching of the poem ‘To Autumn’ for DSE Students of Semester 1 undergraduate students of Calcutta University


  • Shirsak Ghosh




students, teacher, role-playing, learners and teaching


‘To Autumn’ by John Keats is a fascinating and significant poem written in the Romantic era. This ode stands erect for its magnificence and everlasting charm that has created an impact in the minds of readers all around the globe. The undergraduate students of Semester 1 DSC Paper under the National Education Policy under the Calcutta University syllabus had to read the paper ‘To Autumn’. In this research article, the researcher has chosen the methodology of Role Playing in Communicative Language Teaching. The teacher has given the task of preparing the poem ‘To Autumn’ through a creative and effective process. Through this method of role-playing, the students were divided into different groups and they had wonderfully prepared the poem uniquely. This creative charm was a fascinating experience for various learners of the strata of society. This teaching developed an amazing vista of knowledge and wisdom for amazing learners. This process of teaching thus enhances the minds of the learners so they can rattle their brains for an effective process of learning without the slightest grudge or hesitation. This learning curve inculcates the growth and future of the society.


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Contributors to Wikimedia projects. “Communicative language teaching – Wikipedia”. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2004, September 9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/-Communicative_language_teaching Date accessed: 2023-12-22.

Ghosh, Shirsak. “Crack IDC Exam.” Debi Book Concern, 2023.

Keats, John. “To Autumn.” Poetry Foundation. (n.d.) <https://www.poetryfoundation.org/-poems/44484/to-autumn>

Richards, Jack C. “Communicative Language Teaching Today.” Cambridge University Press. 2006.

University of Calcutta. “Syllabus of English under CCF-2022 w.e.f. Academic

Session 2023-2024”. University of Calcutta. Curriculum & Credit Framework (UG). 13th July, 2023.


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How to Cite

Shirsak Ghosh. (2024). Teaching of the poem ‘To Autumn’ for DSE Students of Semester 1 undergraduate students of Calcutta University. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si4). https://doi.org/10.58213/vidhyayana.v9isi4.1790