An Analysis of Free and Bound Morphemes in Alfred Tennyson's Poem Entitled "Marriage Morning"

An Analysis of Free and Bound Morphemes in Alfred Tennyson's Poem Entitled "Marriage Morning"


  • Mahyavanshi Bhavneshkumar Somabhai



Linguistics, Morphology, Morpheme, Free Morpheme, Bound Morpheme, Poem


The objective of this research is to know the free and bound morphemes in Alfred Tennyson’s poem entitled "Marriage Morning". This research uses a Descriptive Qualitative Method. The main source of this research data is one poem from Alfred Tennyson's entitled "Marriage Morning". In the descriptive method, the data collected is not numbers, but the form of words. The data is in the form of words containing free morphemes and bound morphemes in the poem. In this analysis it is found that the overall results of Free and Bound Morpheme as many as 151 data. With free Morpheme distribution was found as many as 137 data (90.72%) and 14 data of Morpheme Bound (9.28%). Morphemes are the smallest elements of meaning in a language. They are generally classified as either free morphemes, which can follow as independent words or bound morphemes, which can't stand alone as words.


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How to Cite

Mahyavanshi Bhavneshkumar Somabhai. (2024). An Analysis of Free and Bound Morphemes in Alfred Tennyson’s Poem Entitled "Marriage Morning". Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si3).