Exploring the Potential of Twine Fiction as an Interactive Learning Tool for Literature Education: A Case Study of Girish Karnad's Naga-Mandala

Exploring the Potential of Twine Fiction as an Interactive Learning Tool for Literature Education: A Case Study of Girish Karnad's Naga-Mandala


  • Kavisha Dilipbhai Alagiya




Twine fiction, Hypertext fiction, digital, interactive tool, education, teaching


Twine fiction is a digital genre of literature that allows for multiple paths through a narrative, with readers choosing their own adventure as they click through links and explore different threads. By using the latest type of hypertext (twine) as an interactive model in narrating a text, readers can engage with the story in a way that is more immersive and interactive than traditional linear narratives. The paper aims to explore the use of Twine Fiction platform as an interactive model in narrating a text. It also tries to investigate the ways in which it can be used to help students engage with and learn from literature in new ways.

This paper aims to examine the potential of twine fiction as a tool for educators to engage students with literature in new and innovative ways. Girish Karnad’s text ‘Naga-Mandala’ has been opted for this reference as to illustrate the interactive learning materials that provide students with a more engaging and meaningful reading experience. This is particularly relevant in the digital age, where students are increasingly accustomed to interactive and multimedia forms. By using hypertext (twine fiction) to teach literature, educators can create materials that are both fun and challenging, engaging students in critical thinking and analysis.

Hypertext can also be used to teach literary elements, such as point of view, theme, and symbolism, by allowing students to explore different paths through the narrative and draw connections between different threads.

The paper further argues that a traditional text converted into twine fiction has the potential to revolutionize the way that literature is taught and learned.


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How to Cite

Kavisha Dilipbhai Alagiya. (2023). Exploring the Potential of Twine Fiction as an Interactive Learning Tool for Literature Education: A Case Study of Girish Karnad’s Naga-Mandala. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si1), 83–90. https://doi.org/10.58213/vidhyayana.v9isi1.1584